Virtual Assistant Statistics

In an attempt to increase efficiency and lower expenses, many companies have resorted to hiring virtual assistants who have proved to be the epitome of saving space, time, and money. Some businesses, however, lag behind in taking on virtual assistants. If that is the case with you, this list of virtual assistant statistics will give you the essentials you need to decide whether to take that chance or not.

Virtual Assistant Statistics (Editor’s Choice)

  • Companies save up to 78% of costs by hiring virtual assistants.
  • Freelancers in the US are expected to reach over 86.5 million by 2027.
  • More than 80% of companies want to use a more flexible workforce in the future.
  • Permanent remote workers are expected to rise to 34.4% in 2021.
  • In 2019, there were 3.6 million secretaries and administrative assistants in the US.
  • Virtual assistants in the US make $32/hour on average.
  • Virtual assistants see flexibility as the most significant advantage of their job.

General Virtual Assistant Statistics and Facts

1. Hiring a virtual assistant can decrease companies’ costs by 78%.

If you hire an on-site, full-time assistant, you need to consider hidden costs, such as desk, computer, etc. By contrast, should you decide to take on a virtual assistant, you will evade these costs and end up saving 78% of the company’s costs per year, which is far from insignificant.

(Outsource Access)

2. An average employee is productive around 3 hours in an eight-hour day.

The high popularity of virtual assistants is partly due to the fact that they save businesses money. Other than the regular costs for hiring a full-time employee, businesses lose money when paying them for an eight-hour day and get only 2 hours and 53 minutes of effective work. Statistics on virtual assistants, meanwhile, show that you can make sure you’re paying only for productive work from your remote staff.

(Voucher Cloud)

3. Over half of the employees work outside the office at least 2.5 days per week.

Work-life balance has been prioritized for quite some time. Ever since the regular integration of technology in our work, employees have been given the opportunity to do part of their jobs remotely. More than 50% of workers take advantage of that opportunity and don’t work from the office for 2.5 days or more.


4. Virtual assistant statistics point to over 20 types of virtual assistants.

Depending on the industry, there are different types of virtual assistants. There is no definite number of VA types because the world of business is highly diverse. But, we can still make a list of the main types: virtual administrative assistant, social media marketing virtual assistant, virtual assistant writer, virtual bookkeeper, and real estate virtual assistant.

(The PennyMatters)

5. The number of freelancers continues to grow.

Virtual assistants are remote workers who are usually freelancers. According to the predictions about the US workforce, over 40% of all employees were expected to be freelancers by 2020. Although these predictions may have changed due to the COVID-19 crisis, that has only boosted the increasing trend of virtual assistants, with 57 million Americans being part of the gig economy.


6. Virtual assistants can work 20 hours a week or even less.

Setting your own work time is one of the most appealing aspects of this type of job, according to virtual assistant statistics. You get to decide when you start and finish work so that you can integrate other parts of your life in the day. The number of hours you work is your choice, too. You can decide to work for 20 hours a week or even less instead of the typical 30 or 40 hours weekly.

(Online Income Zeal)

7. Businesses hire freelance virtual assistants to save money on taxes.

Many businesses opt for taking on freelance VAs. One of the reasons for that is that they save money on taxes compared to full-time employees. But that’s not good news for freelancers because they lack benefits, like health insurance, sick leave, paid time off, and vacation days.


8. Considering the business’s needs when hiring a virtual assistant is a key element.

Virtual assistant trends show that organizations should determine which VA’s skills contribute the most to achieving good results and improved productivity. Some businesses only require virtual receptionists, while others have more complex needs. It is therefore essential for organizations to know what to look for when taking on virtual assistants. Only then will they be able to choose the right person for the job.


9. Flexibility is the greatest perk of being a virtual assistant.

Virtual assistant statistics reveal that the best thing about working as a virtual assistant is flexibility. It refers to not only working hours but also to their workplace. Some enjoy working from home, while others prefer coworking spaces.


10. 27% of remote workers struggle to unplug from their jobs.

Although remote working has a lot of benefits, there are downsides too. Over a quarter of people who perform their jobs from home report that it is difficult for them to switch off from work. Also, 16% of remote workers face loneliness as a disadvantage resulting from not working from the office.


Virtual Assistant Industry Statistics

11. There were 3.6 million secretaries and administrative assistants in 2019 in the USA.

The virtual assistant industry in the US seems to be quite large. In 2019, the Bureau of Labour Statistics reported over 3.6 million people working as administrative assistants and secretaries. This goes to show that there is a high demand stateside for all types of assistants, including virtual assistants.


12. The number of freelancers is expected to hit 86.5 million by 2027 in the US.

As the number of freelancers constantly grows, so does the popularity of virtual assistant jobs. According to virtual assistant growth statistics, the number of freelance workers in 2019 was 62.2 million. Analysts predict that the number of people doing freelance work will reach almost 87 million, or 50.9% of the overall employees in the US.


13. Over 80% of corporations plan to use a more flexible workforce.

Modern times have affected traditional employment. More and more large companies hire freelancers and part-time workers, making virtual assistants more popular nowadays. This trend is likely to continue even after the pandemic. Virtual assistant usage statistics show that more than 80% of big businesses have decided to raise the number of contingent workers.


14. Тhe global market of outsourced services hit $92.5 billion in 2019.

Although it is difficult to evaluate the virtual assistant market, it is safe to assume that it follows an upward pattern. The value of the outsourcing market on a global level was estimated at over $90 billion, as evidenced by virtual assistant industry statistics. The largest outsourcing market was attributed to the Americas with $62 billion of revenue.


15. Almost 90% of organizations have resorted to work-from-home since the pandemic struck.

When the coronavirus hit, recommendations to limit the risk of spreading suggested reducing physical contact. As a result, 88% of organizations urged their employees to work remotely.


16. 5.7 million Americans worked from home half-time or more before the pandemic.

The number of people working remotely since the coronavirus started has skyrocketed. Pre-COVID, 4.1% of employees in the US worked remotely half or more of their working hours, while 56% of the US employees had a job that could partially be performed from home.

(Global Workplace Analytics)

17. Virtual assistant industry statistics place San Francisco on the top of the list of the highest paying cities for virtual assistants in the US.

With an annual salary of $85,194, San Francisco is the highest paying city for remote assistants in the USA. The virtual assistant market in that city is quite saturated, boasting several companies which prioritize remote workers. Following closely behind are two more cities from the Golden State, Fremont and San Jose, with $81,671/year and $79,496/year, respectively.


The Highest-Paying US Cities for VAs

18. Virtual assistant statistics show that small businesses have a tendency to hire virtual assistants.

Many believe that big companies hire virtual assistants because they can afford that luxury. Nevertheless, the reality is quite the opposite. Namely, a large number of startups and small businesses outsource to a virtual assistant. The main reason is that VAs help them with their limited available time.

(Ova Virtual)

19. The number of permanent remote workers is expected to double in 2021.

Many employees were forced to work from home when the pandemic hit. That, however, has brought a new perspective to businesses that saw a rise in productivity from remote workers. So, the initial 16.4% of remote workers before the coronavirus are predicted to reach 34.4% in 2021, according to virtual assistant growth statistics.


20. For 46% of employees in the US, independent work is their primary income.

About 68 million people in the US are free agents who perform independent work. That accounts for 32% of independent workers in the US who do that by choice. 14% of independent workers, however, do so out of necessity.


Virtual Assistant Trends

21. Six out of 10 virtual assistants boast college degrees.

Modern society has brought changes to the way we work and look for a job. As a result, many skilled professionals have chosen to work remotely as virtual assistants. Data suggest that nearly 60% of virtual assistants are well-educated professionals who have a college degree to prove it.

(Outsource Workers)

22. About 85% of freelancers, including virtual assistants, have a business website.

Every freelancer should build their website – which is now easier than ever with the rise of website building software. It is advisable because you choose which information you share with the public. Also, it is an excellent opportunity to get noticed by future employers. Statistics on virtual assistants reveal that 85 of freelancers, including VAs, own a business website.

(Mono Solutions)

23. The average annual pay for virtual assistants in the US is $67,115.

Virtual assistant rates of income can vary depending on the country as well as their skill set and specialties. However, the average pay of virtual assistants in the United States is $67,115. From that, it can be inferred that virtual assistants make $32/hour, or around $5,600/month, on average.


24. Virtual assistants can earn as much as $130,500/year in the US.

The lowest limit of virtual assistants’ salaries is 15,000/year. But the largest part of virtual assistants earn between $31,500 and $100,000 annually. Virtual assistant industry statistics show that those making $115,000 per year are considered top earners. The variations in pay show that there is room for improvement and an increase in pay for people who are ambitious and want to be successful.


Annual VA Salary in the US

25. Cold calling and email communication are among the top in-demand services for VAs.

Virtual assistants are required to perform varieties of tasks depending on the type of industry they are in. Generally speaking, the most in-demand virtual assistant services are cold calling, taking customer calls, email communication, and customer scheduling. Also, the list includes file management and maintenance, social media marketing, and finding potential targets on LinkedIn.


26. The most common VA specialties include general admin work and project management.

According to statistics on virtual assistants, companies that hire virtual assistants sometimes require them to do a few particular tasks, while others give VAs crucial roles in their teams. Some common virtual assistant services demanded by employers include general admin work, project management, bookkeeping, billing and invoicing, content research, blogging, customer research, customer support, data entry, etc.


27. Only 17% of remote workers feel stressed because of work.

Remote workers, including virtual assistants, are less likely to feel anxious about work compared to on-site assistants. 37% of employees who work in cubicle-style offices suffer from workplace stress. Also, people working in open-plan (32%) and private offices (31%) are more susceptible to workplace anxiety.

(Canada Life UK)

28. Flexible office space is expected to reach 13% of all office space in the US by 2030.

Although most remote workers work from home, some have opted to share their working space with other virtual employees. Virtual assistant statistics reveal that this has boosted the demand for coworking space. In 2019, flexible office space accounted for 2% of the overall office space in the US, and it is predicted to hit 13% by 2030.

(CBRE, Vox)

29. The average interaction employee spends almost 30% of a workweek on emails.

Workers send and receive 160 business emails a day or 800 emails a week. The time that they spend on email interaction is estimated at 28% of the workweek. Management and business owners can’t afford to waste their time on email communication which takes up a lot of time. Therefore they decide to hire help, as confirmed by virtual assistant usage statistics.


30. Independent workers are more satisfied compared to traditional employees.

People who have chosen to do independent work and rely on it as their primary source of income show increased contentment in their work. If we compare them to people who have 9-to-5 jobs by choice, we’ll see that the latter are less satisfied.


31. The top two locations for hiring VAs are the Philippines and India.

The Philippines and India are the best destinations for finding virtual assistants because both countries are on the top of the list of global outsourcing. Virtual assistant trends show that while Filipinos are easy to work with and excel at Business English, India is popular for IT and back-office work.

(Outsource Workers)


What is the going rate for a virtual assistant?

That depends on where VAs are based as well as the services they offer. If we take the US, for example, the average hourly rate is $32.27 or $67,115 a year. However, some virtual assistants charge a retainer if the employer wants them to be available when required, which basically means hiring an on-demand virtual assistant. The retainer is charged weekly or monthly, and it factors in overheads as well.

How many hours a week do virtual assistants work?

Virtual assistant statistics reveal that among the major advantages of working as a virtual assistant is flexibility. People often choose this line of work just because they can set their own hours. You can also decide how long you are going to work. 30 to 40 hours a week is the average most employees stick to, but you can cut that down to 20 hours per week if that’s what you want.

Are virtual assistants in high demand?

Many employers decide to take on virtual assistants. They are in high demand because they are more cost-effective compared to full-time employees. Businesses hire VAs to save money on office space, hidden costs, salaries, and benefits. VAs often offer better value for money, being more productive than permanent on-site assistants.

Who hires virtual assistants?

Virtual assistants are usually hired to perform administrative tasks such as email communications or answering services for a lower cost. Online businesses and entrepreneurs like the idea of virtual assistants, especially if they don’t want to spend money on office space. Also, many small and medium-sized businesses opt for virtual support for jobs like social media management, according to virtual assistant statistics.

How many virtual assistants are there?

It is very difficult to come to a definite number of virtual assistants because they don’t belong to a single organization, and their number is constantly rising. If we look at freelance platforms, we might come to an approximate number because many VAs use them to find jobs. The last reported numbers are 74,000 virtual assistants on Guru, and 26,000 on Freelancer, while both Upwork and PeoplePerHour list over 5,000 virtual assistants.
